Sunday, 13 February 2011

Confession App BBC Interview

I am going to get so much stick from my team if anyone heard the radio this morning. I was introduced as 'John Scanlon an IT expert from Bristol'. It's all in the context isn't it, compared to my team I know nothing about IT, they are the experts, in fact they are some of the best experts you can find in the country. But in the context of the Catholic Church in Bristol I probably am an IT expert. Well I am more of techy geek really, I love playing with the latest technology, and it was playing with the latest iPhone apps that got me invited into BBC Radio Bristol this morning to talk with Trevor Fry and Fr. Robert King about the new app to help prepare you for confession.

If you were not tuned into BBC Radio Bristol at 7:40 this morning I have added a recording below, but it's mainly there so my Mum who lives in Ireland can hear it.

or you can download the file ;  BBC Radio Bristol - Confession App Interview

The most surreal part was the drive home, as I stopped at a set of red lights the news came on and I heard myself talking. They had quickly edited a part of the interview and added it to the news. Very strange particularly as you never sound like yourself when you listen to a recording. So here for Mum again is the 8 o'clock news as well.

or you can download the file  BBC Radio Bristol - Confession App News Broadcast

Apart from setting the alarm clock for 6am it was a great experience. I find myself hoping I will get to do it again sometime.

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