This blog has been set up for several reason.
The first reason is to provide a place where students on the diaconal formation programme of Clifton Diocese in the UK can share ideas, reflections and resources as they travel together on their journey of formation.
The second reason is that I like technology and I think it has uses in speaking to a wide community. I don't really know yet how this might bare fruit but by allowing anyone to read this blog and follow my thoughts on twitter I am see where the Lord takes this.
Thirdly I am working on a project about the Church and the Media. As part of this project I have proposed collecting many of the thoughts and reflections the students write into a book. The book will God willing be publish sometime next year as an electronic book. I think many of the thought the students are asked to write and present are wonderful reflection on our lives and Christian beliefs and I have long felt they should be shared. They may make someone smile, or inspire others to consider following a calling to the diaconate. Much of the content published here is to enable anyone who wants to, to comment and therefore help me prepare the book. So feel free to explore this site and feel free to comment you would be helping me considerably in doing so.
Thank You so much for taking the time to read this page and this site,
God Bless,
John Scanlon.