
Below are some links to Resources, interesting Sites and things that students and former students are doing.

Useful Resources

Universalis - The best on-line, iPhone & Kindle site for the office. I use this more than my prayer book now as my phone is almost always with me. The paid for version allows you to select the Grail version of the psalms and is therefore very close to our prayer books.

eBreviary - I great resource for PDF booklets for the Liturgy of Hours. It's text is American and not all the hours are free. However it's been great for praying with Friends at work on Friday mornings.

Clifton Diocese Web Site -  Main website for our diocese lots of news and information, updated regularly and you can subscribe to a newsletter as well.

Lancaster diocese - Document about Deacons - A very good document about deacons, their work, place in the Church and how they are regarded and understood by the church.

Interesting Sites

The Vatican Web Site - A wonderful site with hugh resources.
Cursor Mundi Blog - Brain McMahon is a student for the Permanent Diaconate in the Archdiocese of Westminister. He has a blog similar to this one that I look at. He also tweets @cusormundi

Some things Students and Former Students are doing

Pilgrims Footsteps - David Brin was/is my buddy on the programme and was ordained a couple of years ago. David has recently started a business running walking pilgrimages, which sounds like a great idea to me.  Have a look at his site and see if a walking pilgrmage is for you.