Thursday, 9 December 2010


This though got heavily edited. On first writting I was way over the two minute target. Re-reading it now a year and a half later it seems a little disjointed. Maybe it was edited a little to hard and maybe I need to just add a little more back in. However, it still brings a smile to my face when I read it.


Our recent holiday has got me thinking a lot about dreams, different types of dreams. 

We have just got back from Florida, where we visited Disney world, the place where dreams come true. Every girls a princess, every boy a pirate or space ranger. A place where after a small queue you can fly to Mars, sail with pirates, visit a haunted house, go on safari, journey to Neverland and save the galaxy from Zurg. Its a place of fantasy where boys and girls of every age suspend the real world and believe in magic for a while.

A few minutes away is another theme park called Sea World, there I had one of my dreams come true. We were able to go behind the scenes of the penguin encounter and meet the penguins, I held a small rock hopper penguin on my lap. He was slightly damp, warm and smelled of fish, it was great.

An hour further on is Kennedy Space Centre, where the men who went to the moon were lunched from. Going to the moon was a dream in 1961 when president Kennedy announced to the world that America was going to send men to the moon within the decade. For the men that went and the 400,000 people that collaborated to make it happen there was no suspending reality and wishing it to happen like the rides at Disney World. It was hard work, and belief in the dream.

The bible to speaks of dreams too. Joseph, of coloured coat fame, had dreams and interpreted dreams that lead him to do Gods work and lead his family to Egypt. In the new testament Joseph, husband of Mary, also had a dreams one about marrying Mary and another about going to Egypt to avoid Herod. God sometimes uses our dreams to direct us.

Dreams are important, they inspire us, they are part of our future, they give us hope. Your dreams and those of the people around you are worth holding onto, they are worth encouraging. Not all dreams need to be big or seem important. Watch the joy children get being a princess or pirate for the day. For me holding that small penguin filled me with joy, joy is a gift from God, it's worth chasing after, why else would God give us dreams.

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